Volgograd region, K. Nechaeva Street,
6 "b" Volzhsky Chemical Complex
E-mail: vh1999@mail.ru

Basalt fabric TBK-100


Basalt fabric made of twisted basalt threads and roving in a plain weave with a stitched edge.
Basalt fabrics can replace asbestos, silica fabrics in many areas of their application.
Basalt fabrics have a number of unique properties, including:

  • ecological purity of the material, natural mineral formula - basalt;
  • one of the best heat insulators;
  • high temperature resistance, incombustibility, constant use temperature - 700°С;
  • high durability, service life - 50 years;
  • high chemical resistance to alkaline and acidic environments;
  • the material is vibration-resistant, can be used to isolate turbines;
  • does not lend itself to mold and other microorganisms.

Application areas:

  • thermal insulation materials for thermal equipment, furnaces, recuperators, pipelines;
  • filters for cleaning exhaust gases from dust at metallurgical plants;
  • filters for wastewater treatment;
  • production of composite materials.

Basalt fabric TBK-100



Thickness, mm   

Surface density, g/m2, not less than

Fabric width excluding fringe, cm

Number of threads per 100 mm (base)

Number of threads per 100 mm (abb)

Breaking load on the base, not less, N

 Breaking load on the abb, not less, N


Hot surfaces of industrial equipment and pipelines

0,19 ± 0,04

210 ± 20

100 ± 1

100 ± 1

95 ± 1