Volgograd region, K. Nechaeva Street,
6 "b" Volzhsky Chemical Complex
E-mail: vh1999@mail.ru

Oil and petrol resistant asbestos-free gasket material MBS

MBS material is used in the manufacture of gaskets for seals of fixed joints. MBS has been developed as a replacement for the outdated asbestos-containing oil-and-petrol resistant paronite PMB and covers the full range of operating parameters of this environment in which it is possible to use elastic non-asbestos cushioning materials based on rubber. The material is made on the basis of heat-resistant grades of elastic NBR rubbers with the addition of crystalline graphite and reinforced with high-strength synthetic aramid fibers.

High tensile strength and good recoverability (not less than 40%) ensure reliable sealing of joints in a wide variety of equipment, including those working with light and heavy oil products, oil fractions, liquefied and gaseous hydrocarbons, freons with operating pressures up to 10 MPa (100 kgf/s2) and temperatures up to 250°C. MBS material is successfully used at the largest oil refining, energy, chemical enterprises in Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria. Has permission from the Russian Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision for use at explosive facilities.

Names if indicators


Density, g/cm3


Conditional strength at rupture in broadwise direction, MPa (kgf/cm2, bar), not less than

10,0 (100)

Compressibility at a pressure of 35 MPa, %, not less than


Recoverability after relieving pressure 35 MPa, %, not less than


Mass increase in liquid environment, at the specified temperature, %, no more than:
- after exposure in the test liquid for 5 hours at the specified temperature

- in MS-20 oil in accordance with GOST 21743* at temperature of 150°C

- in kerosene, at 23оС, for 5 hours

- in water at temperature of 100°C






Maximum pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2, bar)

10,0 (100)

Temperature range, С

from -60 to +250

Thickness, mm

0,5; 0,8; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0; 3,0; 4,0

Dimensions, mm

1500х1500; 1500х3000